Assignment 1


This is my newly created meme. Have you ever had a similar experience? my_meme

Used R and {magick} package code


forecast <- image_read("./images/forecast.png") %>%
  image_scale(480) %>%
  image_extent("500x500", color = "#da2a2a")

reality <- image_read("./images/reality.png") %>%
  image_scale(480) %>%
  image_extent("500x500", color = "#da2a2a")

watch_text <- image_blank(width = 500,
                          height = 500,
                          color = "#fff8ae") %>%
  image_annotate(text = "\n\nWhat I watched in\nthe weather forecast",
                 color = "#000000",
                 size = 50,
                 font = "Impact",
                 gravity = "north") %>%
  image_scale(480) %>%
  image_extent("500x500", color = "#da2a2a")

trust_text <- image_blank(width = 500,
                          height = 500,
                          color = "#fac510") %>%
  image_annotate(text = "\n\nWhen I trust it...",
                 color = "#000000",
                 size = 50,
                 font = "Impact",
                 gravity = "north") %>%
  image_scale(480) %>%
  image_extent("500x500", color = "#da2a2a")

meme_photo <- c(forecast, reality) %>%
  image_append(stack = TRUE)

meme_text <- c(watch_text, trust_text) %>%
  image_append(stack = TRUE)

meme <- c(meme_photo, meme_text) %>%

# add 1st inner frame in black colour
meme <- image_scale(meme, 980) %>%
  image_extent("1000x1000", color = "#000000")

# add 2nd inner frame in wood colour
meme <- image_scale(meme, 980) %>%
  image_extent("1000x1000", color = "#b76f20")

# add 3rd inner frame in darker wood colour
meme <- image_scale(meme, 900) %>%
  image_extent("1000x1000", color = "#5d2906")

# add outer frame in black colour
meme <- image_scale(meme, 980) %>%
  image_extent("1000x1000", color = "#000000")

image_write(meme, "./images/my_meme.png")

Motivation of creating this meme

Have you ever trusted a weather forecast and turned out that the weather forecast was wrong?
It is not uncommon that weather forecast predictions are inaccurate.
Even though there are newer advanced models and instruments nowadays, prediction of weather is still extremely hard as meteorologists are facing various limitations[1]:
1. Availability of data
2. Time allowed to analyses the data
3. Complexity of weather events

This meme is to describe our feelings when a weather report completely goes wrong: Frustration.

The 4-square style meme has long been popular in the internet.
Below is an illustration of a typical 4-square meme:

Photo 1 Caption
Photo 2 Caption

However, I believe that it will be boring to see lots of 4-square memes. Thus, I added a frame around the images and annotations by calling image_scale and image_extent function 4 times. I think the meme now is more interesting and eye-catching.
The two original images are border-free.

File details the meme image: * Format: png * File size: 709 KB * Resolution: 1000 x 1000


[1] Tyler Herrington, “Why is the weather so hard to predict?” Let’s Talk Science, 23-Sep-2019. [Online].
Available: [Accessed: 13-Mar-2022]

Last update


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